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Hutchinson Utilities owns and operates a natural gas transmission pipeline in Minnesota. As new wells are tapped & introduced to the supply gas composition can change. Hutchinson had to refund $1.8M in over-billing of natural gas usage during a 2 year period due to a difference between Hutchinson's customer's volume flow measurement and Hutchinson's Coriolis mass flow measurement, which saw as high as a 7% difference due to changes in composition. As a result, they installed Micro Motion Gas Specific Gravity Meters (SGM) on interconnect stations to correct in real-time their mass flow measurement to a corrected gas standard volume flow measurement and eliminate billing discrepancies. A 5% difference in gas specific gravity results in 5% difference in volume measurement.
In pursuit of quick and simple ways to enhance operations and achieve savings, 3M Decatur turned to Emerson's Plantweb Insight and Wireless technology.
Retirement of the highly skilled technical workforce required to safely operate the Department of Energy’s Savannah River Site continues to accelerate as more and more Baby Boomers elect to leave the workforce.
In today’s environment, capital projects are under increasing pressure to come in on time and within budget. Major project coordination with international scope have resulted in communications breakdowns that created hurdles in project...
Utilizing smart actuator technology in conjunction with diagnostic software to monitor actuator and valve operation can allow operations teams to gain a better understanding of when process anomalies are occurring or developing.
"Nanaimo Forest Products Harmac Pacific mill’s corporate initiatives are focused around improving plant reliability and reducing maintenance costs.
Attracting great employees and customers is a goal for all growing companies. Why not be an advocate for your company and help them reach a bigger audience while building your own personal brand and opening yourself to new opportunities?