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Electrical energy usage is a significant variable cost that directly affects an operation’s profitability. Managing energy usage by monitoring specific electrical loads can minimize costs by identifying high energy users, which helps prioritize mitigation actions. Tracking consumption real-time also helps operators map periods of best efficiency so production can be optimized. Dyno Nobel LOMO site’s average monthly electrical costs are $200K. They recently launched an energy management initiative to reduce energy consumption. Recent studies indicate that implementing an energy management program can reduce a typical industrial facility’s electrical consumption by 7%. Conservatively using 5% savings, Dyno Nobel expects electricity costs to decrease by $10K/month or $120K/year.
Retirement of the highly skilled technical workforce required to safely operate the Department of Energy’s Savannah River Site continues to accelerate as more and more Baby Boomers elect to leave the workforce.
Utilizing smart actuator technology in conjunction with diagnostic software to monitor actuator and valve operation can allow operations teams to gain a better understanding of when process anomalies are occurring or developing.
Human beings have a limited amount of mental energy. This presentation will talk about new advances in brain science and neuro-psychology that can help you “rewire your brain” to get the most out of your reservoir of mental energy.
You don’t know what you don’t know – and it could be you costing you money! There are many tools, techniques and services that can improve process performance. And to use them, you have to know about them.
A multinational food processing company utilized Smart MCC integration into their oilseed facility to help increase plant uptime. Improved diagnostic information is available to operators and maintenance staff from Smart MCCs into DeltaV.
"Nanaimo Forest Products Harmac Pacific mill’s corporate initiatives are focused around improving plant reliability and reducing maintenance costs.