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Moises Campos explains how the Quad Vortex helps customers solve challenges like plant safety and redundant flow measurement.
Conozca junto al experto Francisco Torres las diferencias y aplicaciones de los diversos medidores de flujo que Emerson pone a su disposición.
Rosemount™ 8800 MultiVariable and Quad Vortex Flow Meters: A superior solution for compensated steam and redundant flow measurement...
Cannon Bono Energia, Italy, explains the advantages of Emerson's Rosemount Quad Vortex in critical boiler applications
Learn about the basic theory of operation behind vortex flow meters and how they are used to accurately measure liquids, gasses and steam using a principle known as the von Kármán effect.
Emerson Process Management is committed to be close to customers. This short video shows the Flow Customer Center Romania which sets new standards for the production of high-quality Coriolis, Vortex and Magnetic Flowmeter technology in Europe.
Cannon Bono Energia, a customer in Italy, shows his experience with Emerson's Rosemount 8800D Quad Vortex in critical boiler applications