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ASCO Series 362/562 spool valves
We are pleased to announce that our Vice President of Sales, Discrete Automation, Andy Duffy, has been elected as Chairman of the Board for the Valve Manufacturers Association of America (VMA) for its 2023-2024 term...
This video highlights the direct-acting, high-flow design of the new ASCO Series 327c solenoid valve and how that delivers superior flow control performance and operational certainty for power plants, refineries and chemical processing facilities.
Il video sottolinea il design a azione diretta e a alta portata della nuova elettrovalvola ASCO 327C e prestazioni superiori di pressione e portata e garanzia di funzionamento siano disponibili per centrali elettriche, raffinerie e impianti chimici.
Reliable level measurement is crucial for highest possible product separation, for increased production and sustainable operations of the plant...
Multimedia | Utility Monitoring Booth Display Interview | ENUS in Pack Expo
Join Emerson Experts Corey Cronin and Mark Densley for an insightful discussion on Digital Transformation. Discover how this process revolutionizes business operations, enhances customer value, and drives competitive advantage.