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With Emerson's well and facility surveillance, you can manage your field by exception, freeing up your personnel to manage more wells with less labr cost. Also, understanding allocated on a per-well basis, allows you to prioritize your resources to the most profitable wells.
Demonstrates PolyOil polymer products for use in well completions and interventions applications.
Lara Kauchak explains how the Rosemount Incus Ultrasonic Gas Leak Detector can easily integrate with Emerson's smart wireless technology to improve site safety without impacting your safety case.
Heather Green & Ellen Helm demonstrate how LED allows you to operation a harsh / hazardous area more productively and safely with quick installation which reducing long term maintenance.
Appleton™ Rigmaster™ LED Luminaires were subjected to 4 hours of continuous rain testing at a pressure of 5 PSI. This test validates that there is no risk of electrical shock due to moisture seepage when installed in the field.
Appleton™ Rigmaster™ LED Luminaires were enclosed inside a sand and dust chamber and subjected to blowing dust for 8 hours to ensure the integrity of the enclosure’s seal. depression.
Emerson can help you aggregate and analyze relevant operational and financial data to make better and faster decisions to improve the management of your fields, and ultimately your bottom line.