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A brief overview about how digital valve controllers, or smart positioners, function and can benefit your process.
An executive with Linde Engineering discusses how they are improving capital project performance wtih Emerson and Project Certainty.
Bob Sabin explains how Coordinated Steam Header control solutions help industrial sites stabilize steam supply to processes, reduce trip events, and optimize utility costs – all at the same time.
Lara Kauchak explains how the Rosemount Incus Ultrasonic Gas Leak Detector can easily integrate with Emerson's smart wireless technology to improve site safety without impacting your safety case.
Jimmie Soderstrom demonstrates how simple the Rosemount 5408 non-Contacting radar is to configure.
The JXTG refinery in Chiba, Japan, has a 129KBD CDU unit. AMS was installed in 2008, and 144 critical control valves with DVC positioners were connected to AMS and ValveLink.
As the main automation contractor for Braskem’s PVC expansion at their Maceió, Brazil facility, the Emerson/Braskem team collaborated on all issues—achieving startup on schedule and on budget.