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The Fisher 627BM is the newest product extension to the 627-product family. The balanced trim design enables this pressure regulator to achieve a 1,500psig inlet pressure rating while using a large 9/16” orifice. With the flow rate capability that is five times the traditional 627, the 627BM can displace oversized pilot-operated regulators and parallel runs of direct-operated regulators. Thus, this balancing feature saves the customer on startup cost and reduces application complexity. Learn more about how the 627BM fits into your application. Learn More: Fisher 627BM Maintenance Video: Fisher 627BM Webpage & Instruction Manual: Fisher 627BM Product Flier: Pressure Reducing Regulator Education: Emerson Pressure Regulator Webpage: STAY CONNECTED YouTube ► LinkedIn ► Emerson 365 Blog► Facebook ► Twitter ►
Tecnología con certificado de conformidad NAMUR que ayuda a los productores de productos químicos a alcanzar sus objetivos de productividad, seguridad y sostenibilidad.
Carbon capture from steam methane reforming (SMR) and auto thermal reforming (ATR) will be key to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in refining and petrochemical processes that use blue hydrogen as a fuel source and feedstock.
Technologie conforme aux normes NAMUR qui aide les producteurs de produits chimiques à atteindre leurs objectifs de productivité, de sécurité et de durabilité.
NAMUR-konforme Technologie hilft der chemischen Industrie, ihre Produktivitäts-, Sicherheits- und Nachhaltigkeitsziele zu erreichen.
High-cycle applications in the PSA unit can result in valve seal leakage in the long run, affecting process reliability and hydrogen purity levels. The solution? Globe and butterfly valves licensed and lab-tested in up to 1 million cycles in...
Blue hydrogen producers like chemical companies and oil refineries require tight process controls to prevent leaks that could shut down their plants. A way to secure steam methane reformer (SMR) operations is to use low-emission packing for control..